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Page content iconProtection Warrior PvE Guide

The War WithinPatch 11.0.2

Rotation and Cooldowns

This rotation guide should help give a basic understanding of what to do, what's most important, and how to prioritize Protection Warrior abilities and cooldowns.

Single Target

Start with Taunt as you Charge.

Maintain Ravager and Charge for initial threat. Use Avatar and Shield Block to maximize survivability. Follow with Shield Slam and Thunder Clap as needed.


For AoE, prioritize gaining threat on multiple targets.

Start with Ravager and Charge for threat. Use Avatar and Shield Block to enhance survivability. Follow with Thunder Clap and Revenge as needed.


Utilize Last Stand and Shield Wall for major damage spikes. Keep Demoralizing Shout on cooldown for damage reduction and use Spell Reflection wisely.