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The War WithinPatch 11.0.2

Rotation and Cooldowns

This rotation guide should help give a basic understanding of what to do, what's most important, and how to prioritize Demonology Warlock abilities and cooldowns.

Single Target

Ensure Demonic Core is active before the encounter begins.

Maintain Demonic Core stacks and prioritize Summon Demonic Tyrant for burst damage. Use Grimoire Felguard and Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown, while managing Soul Shards effectively.


For multiple targets, prioritize Implosion for additional damage.

In AoE situations, prioritize Implosion for damage and manage your demons effectively. Use Call Dreadstalkers and Bilescourge Bombers on cooldown.


Use cooldowns strategically for maximum impact.

Prioritize Summon Demonic Tyrant during burst phases, and use Demonic Strength and Guillotine for additional damage.