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Page content iconAssassination Rogue PvE Guide

The War WithinPatch 11.0.2

Rotation and Cooldowns

This rotation guide should help give a basic understanding of what to do, what's most important, and how to prioritize Assassination Rogue abilities and cooldowns.

Single Target

Start from Stealth for optimal damage.

Begin with Ambush for a strong opener, maintain Slice And Dice, Garrote, and Rupture. Use Echoing Reprimand and Kingsbane on cooldown, while managing Deathmark and Vanish effectively.


Use AoE abilities when facing multiple targets.

For AoE, prioritize Fan Of Knives and Crimson Tempest. Maintain Garrote and Rupture on multiple targets while using Echoing Reprimand and Kingsbane effectively.


Manage cooldowns for maximum burst damage.

In cooldown usage, prioritize Deathmark and Kingsbane for burst phases, while using Vanish to maintain Garrote and Echoing Reprimand for consistent damage.